Nurture the Relationship You Have with Yourself to Care for Others and be a Better Person
This picture was taken in Lisbon, Portugal – it is a picture of the name of a restaurant that got me thinking about how and when being selfish is a good thing…
It’s all about finding the calm in the chaos.
The relationship that we have with ourselves is extremely unique, yet it is something that is highly neglected, ignored, and overlooked.
Human beings are social animals and therefore, it does not appear much as a surprise that we put an immense amount of importance on the relationship that we share with others in society and how society perceives our appearance, behavior, and communication ability. In short, society holds the place of a sacred place in our minds and we sometimes go head over heels to impress the world around us.
Yet, we forget about the ‘sanctum sanctorum’ of this sacred place, which is our own body, mind, and spirit. This is why we put the least amount of importance on ourselves. We fall into the trap of thinking that it doesn’t matter whether I am fulfilled from within, but our facade of fulfillment should be projected on the people around us, who judge us on our relationships, performance, productivity, appearance, and behavior.
This vicious cycle of trying to please everybody and appearing always as ‘holier-than-thou’, catches us in no time, and sooner than later, we feel overwhelmed by the innumerable responsibilities of adulthood - which include meeting targets at the workplace and attending to a number of duties at home. This never-ending cycle of getting errands done and performing various duties with the expected levels of productivity continues, until we become totally exhausted and stand on the verge of experiencing serious burnout.
The solution to this age-old problem is indulging in self-care activities.
Control your own thoughts, stop letting them control you.
Now, before you jump to the textbook conclusion of your day being replete with various activities and the serious crunch in time you have to invest in self-care, let me tell you that you are not alone and this is the most common excuse. The fact of the matter is, that self-care activities need not require you to invest a considerable amount of time nor do they involve an exorbitant amount of cash.
Before we discuss some self-care activities and their importance in giving you a healthy life, healthy mind, improved immune system, boost in self-esteem, and higher levels of productivity, let us briefly define what self-care is and how it is completely different from being selfish about oneself.
There are many clinical and scientific definitions of self-care, however, in simple terms it means, deliberately or consciously engaging in activities that bring you peace of mind and help you stay in a state of emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. The most important word in this definition is ‘deliberate’ or ‘conscious', because we have to look at these activities as an intrinsic part of ourselves – part of our mind, body, and spirit, and not view them as some external duties or chores that we need to perform.
Therefore, self-care activities are highly subjective and vary from one individual to another. For example, meditation might make you feel fulfilled from within, to your friend it might be hitting the gym and going through a workout routine.
Self-care is how you take your power back.
The crux of the subject is, that, no matter which activity you chose, it should be deliberate, completely directed to your own well-being, permanent and not temporary, and most importantly the activities should never be looked at as chores, but as parts of your life like breathing and eating.
Now, pampering and grooming activities shall never be looked down upon as selfish traits, if they provide you with ultimate happiness and lets your mind unwind and be at peace. However, all these activities should not be perceived as a one-time thing, however, they need to be incorporated into your life as enduring self-care activities.
For example, taking an evening stroll once in a while, will not support your mental health as much as, if you make taking that stroll a habit. In the first instance, your temporary evening walks will come with their fair share of mental baggage regarding what thing needs to be done next or what is concerning you right now. On the other hand, if the evening walk is your routine, your brain will be wired in a way that, during this time, it will get satisfied and fulfilled by the scent of the flowers in the garden, or listening to the chirpy sounds of the birds, or even looking at the sunset. Other than these beautiful things, it will not entertain any stress or overthinking.
This is the beauty of permanent self-care activities.
There is no happy ending until you choose to save yourself.
If you are not indulging in self-care activities, all your stress-relieving activities will not bear the desired results. For example, if your body and mind are not replenished from within, meditation might put you to sleep rather than relieve you of stress. Your exercise and workout training won’t be sufficient for your better health if you do not fulfill the needs of your body by giving it nutritious foods and an adequate amount of sleep.
So, every strand of a healthier and better life starts with self-care.
Now, before getting into the fact of how your self-care routine directly impacts your relationship with others and how society perceives you, let me ask you a couple of questions –
Have you ever come across a monk who has not cleansed his own spirit, indulges in various activities of decadence, and at the same time is giving the world various tidbits of wisdom? Chances are you haven’t! Similarly, you won’t find an expert who lacks in-depth knowledge or experience about the field they operate in.
So, how do you expect you can love somebody, give emotional support to someone, and be the inspiration of a special person if you yourself lack the deep reservoirs of satisfaction and fulfillment? If you do not take care of yourself, you cannot provide that care to others – you can pretend and you can act, however, it is definitely not sustainable. Your own mental health and physical well-being need to shore up first if you want to have meaningful emotional connections with others. Without self-care, it’s highly impossible to be a better person, especially when your own emotional reservoirs are dry and lack the necessary replenishment.
When you are not satisfied from within, you always look for things that will bring you some form of satisfaction. This approach then, takes you on a downward spiral, because you tend to look for quick fixes, rather than addressing your well-being right at its roots. There are research papers that show individuals who let self-care activities take the back seat, suffer from mental stress, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and illnesses. On the other hand, the benefits of self-care activities range from having a long and better life to preventing diseases and staying mentally fit.
Tap into your magic. Support yourself in Hypnosis.
If you are someone who is relentlessly searching the internet to find tips on self-care and how to incorporate them in your packed-up daily schedule, chances are you are already overwhelmed by the huge volumes of information and you are still sitting on the fence, being not sure about what you read.
The key to your solution for getting a better life lies in Hypnotism.
In simple terms, Hypnosis completely reveals to yourself who you actually are from within. This revelation helps you understand what you need and how you need to sustain a better and healthy lifestyle. Once you have the entire knowledge about yourself in terms of what drives you, what inspires you, what makes you feel satisfied, and which particular thing brings you the utmost relaxation, you need no one to tell you or force you to understand what works well for you in this chaotic world.
The goals and objectives that you are currently after, require investment in time and effort. Hypnosis will never ask you to sideline your life’s goals but will empower you in realizing that you do not need an additional hour in the day to feel satisfied and relaxed, while you are enjoying your shower with the lavender scent of the soap, that calms you from within.
Hypnosis will guide you on self-care activities that are best suitable to your routine and are only helpful to your needs. It will help you realize the fundamental principle of ‘without self-care, you cannot care for anybody in the world.’
Just like charity starting at home, caring for the world starts with caring for yourself!
If you would like another approach to take care of yourself, take on new activities and concentrate more on daily tasks, but don’t know where to start...
Book a free HOW TO LEAD A FULLER AND LIGHTER LIFE STRATEGY SESSION so we can get you moving in the right direction. Just click on my calendar LINK and let’s book a time together so you can get started today!
Upcoming Events
Soothe Your Soul Meditation February 23, 2023 | 7–8 pm ET
Sainoor is offering free ‘Soothe your Soul ’ meditation sessions on the last Thursday of each month.
This time we will be focusing on abundance and attracting it into your life.
When: Last Thursday of each month ➡️ next one: Thursday, February 23rd Time: 7 – 8 pm EST Where: Online, via Zoom
The session format will be:
- 10 min. discussion at the beginning
- 30 min. guided meditation
- allotted time for discussion and sharing at the end
To be part of this peaceful evening and save your spot, please register using this link. Or, you are welcome to email Sainoor by replying to this email and she will add you to the list...

Sainoor Premji B.Sc, M.Sc (Holistic Nutrition), RNCP, MHt, Master Hypnotist, Akashic Reader, Holistic Nutritionist, Montessori School Teacher.
An expert in mind-body-spirit connection, Sainoor has traveled widely on her journey through life- the feedback she received most often from her clients is how wonderful it feels to be free of fear, doubts, and yo-yo dieting; how they now live their lives with hope and lightness.
“Thank you for the wisdom and guidance. Sometimes we need words from a stranger to show us what we didn’t want to see ourselves.”- T.C.
“This was a life-changing session. I feel a sense of calm I have never felt before! Thank you for helping me to release the demon of fear!”- E.A.