Hypno-Coaching Children

I am excited about adding another service to my list – that is working with children.
Some of you may already know that I work with children and some of you may have already
brought your children to me (thank you). Now I am making it official and look forward
to seeing you at the Happy Hour.
This picture was taken in Oslo, Norway
Our children are our future – a future that we all want to be replenished with the right upbringing, filled with fulfilling happiness, starred with success, secured with safe belongings, and replete with awareness about oneself and the surroundings.
However, somehow as parents and adults, we unfairly manage to obscure our ‘future’ by ignoring the present condition of our children.
By present condition, we mean how healthy their mental state is, how stable their feelings are, and how balanced their emotions are.
Because of this ignorance, most of the time as parents, our ‘wants’ remain as ‘hopeful wishes’ and we find it very difficult to stand at the bridge that lies between our expectations and reality.
On one side of the bridge, we could see how much effort has been put from our end in terms of using proper parenting techniques, providing the right support while growing up, listening to the tantrums of the kids, and dealing with them in a sensible manner.
As parents, we always tend to study this side of the bridge from the lens of evaluation.
The truth is that, it is a highly negative way to look at your children, because in this assessment we weigh our effort against their improvement, our care against their obedience, our love against their affection, and our guidance against the results.
More often than not, due to this hardened approach, we find a glaring gap between the results and our expectations. This in turn leads to unnecessary annoyance, irritation, disagreements, and ultimately serious disobedience from the child’s side.
On the other side of the bridge, are our beloved children with their young and malleable minds who, after a point of time, become completely immune and irresponsive to our parenting. They simply think that we are incapable of understanding them and as a result, from a very young age, they become reserved with us and much more open to their friends.
So, on the child’s side of the bridge there lies grave disappointment.
Now as parents, we realize what we actually go through – our hectic routine consists of attending to jobs, maintaining social relationships, shouldering responsibilities, meeting deadlines, and committing to some specific duties. In the midst of all this jostling and juggling, it’s really challenging to put complete focus on our children.
As a consequence, the nourishment factor from our parenting goes missing and we begin to depend solely on academic progress reports to judge where our children are heading. Again, this is a terrible way to judge a young life with tremendous potential.
We cannot evaluate life against lifeless numbers and figures.
The fundamental thing to notice in this scenario is that, although we all were children at some point in our lives, however, we do not realize that, at an age where fairy tales, dragons, and superheroes are holding the reigns of the world, we cannot teach them how to behave, how to act, how to focus, how to study, and how to thrive, using analogies from the world of grown-ups.
It’s like mixing oil and water together which results in a terribly dissolved and disjointed solution.
As parents, if we expect the same level of maturity, sensibility, and understanding from our kids, we are simply living in la la land. The irony is, this inability to comprehend is the root cause of all our failures.
We cannot blame our children for this because as infants and toddlers, they completely depend on us. Therefore, the responsibility of providing a safe and sound environment where the overall consciousness of your child is thriving rests solely on our shoulders.
Now, we hear you…
“When I am finding so much difficulty in attending to my kids’ needs and requirements, how will I be able to take care of their mental health, listen to their day-to-day ordeals, and deal with everything in such a time crunch?”
The Solution is…
“Hypno-Coaching Children”
This program of Hypnosis is directed solely toward our children who experience a world that is entirely different from ours. Their problems are totally different, hurdles are unique, and therefore, the solution needs to be tailor-made.
According to several research papers, children who experience a difficult childhood are more prone to get into a stage of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and other mental disorders from a very young age.
This happens primarily because neither their emotions get addressed in the right way, nor their feelings get discussed at a level that they want.
This leads to abstention from social gatherings, increased self-doubt, low self-esteem, inability to focus for longer periods of time, and even abrupt social behaviors.
Through this program, your child can address several issues that are creating a whirlwind of turbulence in their small but, happening world. They will be able to learn how to cope with stress, anxiety, conflicts, sleeping problems, and will ultimately be able to boost their confidence, self-esteem, focus, and decision-making skills.
We have designed this program with one and only one intention of making your child happy and fulfilled from within. This is why our motto is, “A Happy Child is an Empowered Child.”
The goal of this program is to help your child look into themselves and their world from an enriching vision of self-awareness and consciousness that is relatable to them.
To help the parents understand this initiative better, we are arranging an exclusive workshop for them called “The Balancing Act - Raising Empowered and Happy Children.” Through this workshop, we will listen, understand, and realize thoroughly the unique set of situations (let’s not call it a problem because no child is problematic, it just depends on our approach) that you are faced with currently.
Until and unless, we as parents understand clearly where we are falling short, we cannot mend the burnt bridges between our children and us. Moreover, it’s not about the bridges, it’s about the psychological health of our children and we want their mindset to be perfectly healthy.
Before addressing our branches (children) we need to take care of the roots (parents).
If you are intrigued by our “Hypno-Coaching Children” and are interested to give your child the best possible upbringing, join our “The Balancing Act – Raising Empowered and Happy Children” workshop TODAY.
Remember, providing a proper environment for your children in which they just survive being physically healthy is simply not enough. You need to curate a safe surrounding for your kids that allows them to thrive, prosper, and fulfill their inner potential, in an emotionally balanced way.
Believe me, this will be the ‘True Empowerment’ for your child as well as for you as a parent.
Harnesses children's natural ability to play and makes the experience fun and engaging.
Parents, Professionals and Seekers:
To learn more about Hypnocoaching and the workshops, please press the link bel
Upcoming Events
Soothe Your Soul Meditation April 27, 2023 | 7–8pm ET
Sainoor is offering free ‘Soothe your Soul ’ meditation sessions on the last Thursday of each month.
When: Last Thursday of each month ➡️ next one: Thursday, April 28th Time: 7 – 8 pm EST Where: Online, via Zoom
The session format will be:
- 10 min. discussion at the beginning
- 30 min. guided meditation
- allotted time for discussion and sharing at the end
To be part of this peaceful evening and save your spot, please register using this link. Or, you are welcome to email Sainoor by replying to this email and she will add you to the list...

Sainoor Premji B.Sc, M.Sc (Holistic Nutrition), RNCP, MHt, Master Hypnotist, Akashic Reader, Holistic Nutritionist, Montessori School Teacher.
An expert in mind-body-spirit connection, Sainoor has travelled widely on her journey through life- the feedback she received most often from her clients is how wonderful it feels to be free of fear, doubts, and yo-yo dieting; how they now live their lives with hope and lightness.
Words of Appreciation
"In a short time, Ms Sainoor, you taught me how to use my grey cells and eat an elephant..."
"Sainoor is a exceptional mentor and resource... her wealth of knowledge and experience have been an invaluable asset..."