This sunset picture was taken from our room at a resort in Jamaica
We lay awake in our beds thinking about tomorrow’s tasks that we need to take care of, while our bodies want to sleep, our minds race on with thoughts and other plans.
We have all experienced this when we toss and turn, lying in our beds, waiting and wanting badly to fall asleep, yet our restless minds keep us awake. The result? We wake up the next day feeling extremely tired, cranky, groggy, and grumpy. When we don’t get a good night’s sleep, the next day we feel completely out of sorts – both in our minds and bodies.
Why a good night’s sleep is important
When our bodies stay regularly deprived of sound sleep, mental problems, starting from anxiety and depression, to physical ailments, from weight gain to weakened immune systems, start to creep in and before we can reach the bottom of the problem, we fall seriously ill.
Sleep is not at all a luxury of the body to make us dream or allow us to live our fantasies in our dreams; it is a necessity for our bodies and minds to function properly at its optimum state.
When we sleep, the cells of our bodies replenish themselves with oxygen, blood, and various proteins. They repair themselves from the day’s work, restore new energy and release useful hormones. Our brains eliminate toxic waste and store new information, while our nerve cells reorganize themselves and communicate through impulses, in order to support a healthy brain function.
In short, if we think that when we sleep our bodies and minds shut off, it actually does the complete opposite. Sleep replenishes us, rejuvenates us, physiologically and mentally, so that our bodies and minds work in a perfect rhythm to help us perform our daily activities to the best of our abilities.
We lay unconscious when we sleep, however, our minds awaken to do the repairing work on our cells and brain functions, so that we can stay fine-tuned for the next day.
Sainoor is offering free ‘Soothe your Soul’ meditation sessions - see bottom of page for details
Effects of lack of sleep
When we face any sleep issues, like insomnia, sleep apnea, parasomnia (sleepwalking), or narcolepsy, our bodies’ ability to repair and restore gets hampered. As we stay chronically sleep deprived, our body loses its natural ability to heal and we become vulnerable to mental and physical health issues.
For example, insomnia – insomnia might come alone, however, if it stays with you for some time without a proper resolution, it can lead to various issues - a weakened immune system, asthma, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other serious issues. When it comes to mental health, insomnia can lead to depression, anxiety disorders and be a root cause of excessive frustration and confusion.
Lack of proper sleep does not just make you susceptible to all those ailments, according to various scientific studies, it can also shorten your life expectancy by as much as 12%.
When we sleep, our brains form new connections or bridges to help us process and store new information. So, a lack of sleep will not just impact your short-term and long-term memory, but will also directly hamper your creativity, concentration, focus, and problem-solving skills.
Therefore, if you are a student in university, your studies get affected, if you are driving, due to lack of focus and concentration, you are more prone to meet with an accident, if you are in the creative field, you can experience long periods of creative limbo.
Because you weren't able to sleep last night, today you stay drowsy and a feeling of irritation stays with you throughout the day. You become a victim of rapid mood swings. One moment you feel emotional and shortly after that you become angry. Coming under these mood swings, you upset your work environment and probably your relationships as well.
Sooner, rather than later, you become ‘bad company’ for others and your frustration peaks because you can’t do anything about it. What follows are the days of depression and anxiety!
And all of this, just because you can’t sleep!
Sainoor is offering free ‘Soothe your Soul’ meditation sessions - see bottom of page for details
Some Simple Techniques to help you sleep
Now, there are some simple techniques that one can use for insomnia. These techniques can be applied effectively by anyone who wishes to improve their sleep.
So, what are these techniques?
- If caffeine is your drug and you love coffee, then probably not drinking a cup right before bedtime is a good idea, as consumption of too much caffeine results in sleeplessness.
- Similarly, nicotine is a stimulant that speeds up the heart rate and the process of thinking. So, refraining from smoking a cigarette before going to bed is a good idea.
Giving up on these substances or making the necessary lifestyle changes can put your sleep back on track without much hassle if it is not a serious issue.
Regular aerobic activities or light physical sport can also help you in getting a good night’s sleep. Some sleep-hygiene techniques like keeping your bedroom dark or devoid of any distractions like computer screens or televisions can also help. Going to bed at a fixed time in the night and also waking up at a fixed time in the morning, can make your sleep cycle better, contributing to your sleep
- Avoid heavy meals before bedtime
- Also, reading a book, or meditating for a while, or listening to calming music, can help your mind relax better
These are all the things that you can try to get better sleep. However, even after trying all these, you are failing to sleep for a minimum of 8 hours each day, then, you need more than these homemade remedies,
To get sound sleep, what our minds need the most are peace and a safe environment. When our minds realize that it has the two in sufficient amounts, it stops racing between thoughts and plans and decides to shut off in order to start the cycle of healing.
Sainoor is offering free ‘Soothe your Soul’ meditation sessions - see bottom of page for details
Here comes Hypnosis into the picture.
Currently, there are many scientific studies and research papers that show evidence of hypnosis in treating chronic sleep disorders like insomnia.
The simple goal of hypnosis is to calm your mind by helping it relax and giving it a feeling of a safe and secured environment. To put it simply, the goal of hypnosis is the same as that of our minds before falling asleep. In layman’s terms –it’s a match made in heaven!
What hypnosis actually does, is work on the negative chain of thoughts or complicated puzzles that the mind is trying to solve before falling asleep and change those habits or thoughts that are related to sleep. This allows the mind to be free of any kind of shackles and helps the person to get a better sleep when the session of hypnosis is complete.
Hypnosis encourages the mind to relax by creating certain opportunities for it to reorient the emotions and thoughts that it is having. When our minds are relaxed and in a peaceful state, we do not feel depressed or anxious – the two mental problems that contribute significantly to sleeplessness.
Therefore, hypnosis addresses the root cause of the problem. Whether it is a negative thought or an unhealthy habit, it treats the cause so that the ultimate effect is a peaceful, undisturbed sleep for the mind and the body.
In addition to this, hypnosis results in the improvement of sleep hygiene techniques, so that you can develop a habit of healthy sleep-related routines.
Hypnosis is not a form of intellectual analysis or treatment, it’s simply understanding one’s feelings, emotions, and thoughts from the level of the mind, so that the mind’s internal thoughts, anxieties, and resistances, can be addressed in a more absorbing and transformative way.
If there is anything buried deep in your subconscious that is preventing you from getting a full night’s sleep, through hypnosis you can unlock the power of restful sleep and live a life that is free of any sleep struggles and full of energy and positivity.
To improve the quality and quantity of your sleep , to fall asleep quicker and sleep deeper Book a free 30 min. HOW TO LEAD A FULLER AND LIGHTER LIFE STRATEGY SESSION so we can get you moving in the right direction. Just click on my calendar LINK and let’s book a time together so you can get started today!
We often forget that our inner lives are just as important as the outer ones that consume our daily lives.
Sainoor is offering free ‘Soothe your Soul’ meditation sessions, via zoom, on the last Thursday of each month, beginning on Sept. 30th To be part of this peaceful evening and save your spot, please register using the button below.
Click Here!
To creating change,

Sainoor Premji B.Sc, M.Sc (Holistic Nutrition), RNCP, MHt, Master Hypnotist, Akashic Reader, Holistic Nutritionist, Montessori School Teacher.
An expert in mind-body-spirit connection, Sainoor has traveled widely on her journey through life- the feedback she received most often from her clients is how wonderful it feels to be free of fear, doubts, and yo-yo dieting; how they now live their lives with hope and lightness.
“Thank you for the wisdom and guidance. Sometimes we need words from a stranger to show us what we didn’t want to see ourselves.”- T.C.
“This was a life-changing session. I feel a sense of calm I have never felt before! Thank you for helping me to release the demon of fear!”- E.A.