Brain Fog: When Your Mind Goes Missing, and You Don’t Even Notice
These pictures were taken during a drive on a foggy day in Portugal. I love how they show fog surrounding the car...It got me wondering about what happens when 'fog' surrounds the brain...Too bad, our brain does not flash a warning sign like on the highway, or does it??
Brain Fog: When Your Mind Goes Missing, and You Don’t Even Notice
It's late afternoon, and you're staring at your computer screen. You’ve got a presentation due, or maybe a contract to finalize. But, instead of the crisp ideas you had yesterday, everything feels like it’s swimming through molasses. Maybe you’re a young parent trying to remember if you signed the permission slip for your kid’s field trip. Or you’re a business owner balancing payroll and marketing strategies, yet for some reason, your brain decided to take a coffee break without you.
Brain Fog?
There’s a certain kind of exhaustion that goes beyond just feeling tired. It’s not the kind where you can sleep it off or slap a Band-Aid on it with a cup of coffee. It’s like your brain is awake but stuck in neutral, running at half capacity while the world around you moves on at full speed. We call it brain fog, but that hardly captures the strangeness of it. Brain fog is like knowing all the words to a song but forgetting the tune. You try to hum it, but it’s offbeat, a little flat, and you can’t quite get it right. That’s what it feels like inside your head when the fog rolls in. Whether you're chasing deadlines or chasing toddlers, it sneaks in, slowing everything down like you’re buffering in real life. And the harder you push, the more it feels like trying to run through quicksand.
Why ‘Pushing through’ is not the best thing
Today, we all are taught to push through these moments. We’re professionals, parents, students—we’ve got deadlines and decisions that won’t wait for our brains to catch up. And so we keep pressing forward, trying to squeeze out every ounce of responsibility we can. But that’s the trick with brain fog—you can’t force your way through it any more than you can yell at a computer to unfreeze. There’s this misconception in our society, especially in entrepreneurial and high-performance cultures, that you can muscle through anything with the right attitude. But brain fog doesn’t care about your deadlines, your to-do lists, or your never-ending pursuit of productivity. You can push, yes, but you’ll only be spinning your wheels. Then there is frustration that comes hand-in-hand with brain fog — an irritation that’s hard to put into words. You know you’re capable of more. You know you’re sharper than this, faster, clearer. But for some reason, today—or this week, or this month—you’re just not. So you start to question yourself. Am I losing it? Am I burnt out? Is something wrong with me?
Science behind the Brain Fog
Before answering that, you need to first know what is actually happening in your brain when you’re fogged up. On a scientific level, it’s your brain’s way of telling you it’s overwhelmed. Maybe you haven’t slept enough. Maybe you’ve been living on caffeine and stress for days on end. Or maybe you’re simply overstimulated by the constant barrage of information, tasks, and decisions that make up modern life. Your brain, brilliant machine that it is, can only process so much before it starts to lag. It’s not about intelligence or ability. It’s about capacity. And when you hit that point of overload, your brain takes a break—whether you want it to or not. So, what should we do? Should we just throw our hands up and accept defeat every time brain fog hits? But again, there is wisdom in not fighting it. Since resistance only makes it worse, we need to give our brain the space it’s asking for. Maybe this means going for a walk, letting your mind wander without forcing it in any particular direction. Or maybe it’s taking a nap, reading a book, or even just staring out the window for a few minutes. Whatever it is, give yourself permission to pause. Let the fog pass in its own time. What’s important to remember is that brain fog is temporary. It’s not a permanent state, and it doesn’t define you. Yes, it’s frustrating. Yes, it can make you feel like you’re moving in slow motion while the rest of the world zips by. But like everything else, it passes. When it does, you’ll come out the other side with clarity. The ideas will come back, the sharpness will return, and you’ll be reminded that the fog, as annoying as it is, was just a signal that your brain needed a break—a little bit of breathing room in a world that rarely stops.
How hypnosis helps
What if, instead of waiting for the fog to clear, you could actively guide your mind back to clarity? Hypnosis can be your doorway to clarity. It is like handing your brain a roadmap when it’s lost in a maze of distractions. It’s not some mysterious force that controls you—it’s a tool, a way to tap into the subconscious and give it permission to focus, to realign, to reset. How often do we wish we could quiet the mental chatter, get out of our own way, and see things for what they are, instead of through the lens of our stress and fears? Imagine being able to shut out the noise of the world, the chaos of your thoughts, and simply hone in on what’s important. This is the simple power of Hypnosis. Hypnosis, in practical life, offers a moment of stillness, a chance to connect with the part of our minds that knows what it needs, without the interference of ego or external pressure. The power of hypnosis lies not in escape, but in deepening our connection to reality. Hypnosis isn’t about controlling the mind—it’s about learning to let go of what doesn’t serve you. After all, clarity isn't about seeing things perfectly; it’s about seeing them as they are.
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Akashic Course
Sainoor Premji B.Sc, M.Sc (Holistic Nutrition), RNCP, MHt, Master Hypnotist, Akashic Reader, Holistic Nutritionist, Montessori School Teacher.
An expert in mind-body-spirit connection, Sainoor has travelled widely on her journey through life- the feedback she received most often from her clients is how wonderful it feels to be free of fear, doubts, and yo-yo dieting; how they now live their lives with hope and lightness.
“Thank you for the wisdom and guidance. Sometimes we need words from a stranger to show us what we didn’t want to see ourselves.”- T.C.
“This was a life-changing session. I feel a sense of calm I have never felt before! Thank you for helping me to release the demon of fear!”- E.A.